Pulaski County Alzheimer’s Disease Respite Center

Thank you for your interest in the Center!

Service to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia had humble beginnings in 1985 with a support group that met at the health department.  It was incorporated as a non-profit November 20, 1986 with Ms. Bethel Burdine as board chair. The organization later moved to the First Christian Church in their activities center when service to individuals with dementia became the focus.  For a time, the Center was in the small building adjacent to the Center for Rural Development when the Senior Citizen Center was there.  Next stop was the old Dunbar School at 255 South Maple Street.  State Rep. Tommy Turner was instrumental in getting funding to build the new Senior Citizen’s Center at 225 University Drive in 2015. The PCADRC was included in that effort and is currently housed in the left side of the facility.  Local sources of funding for the Center include Pulaski County Fiscal Court, City of Somerset, United Way of South Central Kentucky, fees and donations from families, memorials of departed loved ones, donations from individuals and organizations, and fundraisers by the board. The Center no longer receives funding from the Lake Cumberland Area Development District.

Our Center offers an activity-based and socialization program for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.  It does not provide medical based assistance (i.e., administration of medications) to the individuals with dementia and does not have medical staff onsite. The purpose of the program is to allow caregivers needed time away from the stress of providing constant care and for the individuals with mild-moderate dementia to be involved in activities that promote socialization and meaningful engagement in a safe, nurturing environment.

We offer half and full day (9:00am-4:00pm) scheduling Monday through Friday.  Admission preference is given to those able to attend five days per week.  Regular attendance is important to acclimating the individual with dementia to the routines and environment of the Center.  Space permits us to serve a maximum of 20 clients per day.  A nutritious lunch and light snacks are provided.  Because lunch is scheduled in the morning through the Senior Citizens Center next door, communication on absences or delays is important to ensure an accurate number of meals is provided for attendees. 

Visitors and volunteers are an important part of our programming. We have musicians, artists, school bands, students, and others who provide their talents to the Center throughout the year.   In addition, we welcome those who may want to volunteer to assist at the Center on an intermittent basis.  Please contact the Executive Director for more information if interested.

The Center is managed by a volunteer board that meets quarterly or as needed to conduct Center business. Day to day operations are managed by our Executive Director who is on-site daily.  We welcome you to visit the Center, consider seeking care for your loved one, or support of our efforts through money donations or necessary supplies.  Please check our Facebook page for monthly needs.

Support us by clicking the Donate link Below. 


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